Heloooooo kids i am the white man, and yes i hate niggers, the jews and the gypsies (i dunno what they are) and so this is why i joined the Klan, and you should too. the reasons why i hate black ppl is their arrgant, cocky altitude, which pisses me off. all they say is Yo Yo wassup mah nigger and they get mad when I called them a nigger. they dun make much sense right? i know they are retards, who will end up in jail for gang activity anyways(lowlives) so as a redneck American i would say I also hate jews since they kill our Lord Jesus. They are vile, violent scum of the earth. all i want to do is Bomb their asses as they bombed us at the 9/11 attacks oh wait, those are the terrorists, but eh, Jews are terrorists. so all im gonna say is WHITE POWER!!! WHITE POWER!!!
KKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes i am a very smart educated american from the redneck farm hills of Texas, where i get my education from the very special Cow Ranch. so i now i shall go and squeeze milk from Old' Bessy.
lol ur right nice one but u forgot us asians T_T or they dont bother bout us asians >.>
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